How Long to Wait After Adding Chlorine to Hot Tub?

The temptation to jump right in your hot tub after filling it up can be overwhelming. However, since proper hot tub maintenance necessitates using chemicals, it’s crucial to check that the water levels of the hot tub are secure before using it.

Chemicals like Chlorine is a common sanitizer that helps maintain hot tubs, ensuring the water is safe and clean. It will require some time for the Chlorine to circulate through that is why a waiting period is required. Otherwise, it may not be as effective as it should be.

But how long should you wait? Stick until the end of this article to know how long you should wait to use a hot tub after adding chlorine and everything you need to know when adding Chlorine to the water.

Why Do You Need To Use Chlorine In A Hot Tub?

man holding chlorine tablet on a hot tub

Before we spill the waiting time before you can use a hot tub, let us first understand why Chlorine is necessary for hot tub maintenance.

It’s crucial to look into the possible germs and microorganisms that could be polluting and swirling around the water in your hot tub when you consider the number of individuals that may use it.

For instance, after lengthy exposure to the water, hair products, lotions, or tans on someone’s body will start to dissolve in the water.  It is ideal to have a cleaning regimen to ensure that you can keep your hot tub sanitized and largely bacteria- and germ-free.

Chlorine is a hot tub sanitizer. Adding chemicals like chlorine that decompose the debris that is in the water is known as a shock treatment. This procedure can lessen the likelihood of murky and frothy water and make your hot tub water fresh.

How Long To Use A Hot Tub After Adding Hot Tub Chemicals Like Chlorine?

The time required to wait after putting in Chlorine usually depends on the kind of chlorine shock treatment you apply.  But as a general rule, you shouldn’t enter the hot tub 30 minutes after applying the chlorine.

For best results, waiting 24 to 48 hours after applying chlorine shock to the water is necessary to guarantee that the chlorine level has reduced to a safe level before using the hot tub.

When adding chemicals like chlorine, you must wait for the chemical to diffuse into the water because it is potent before entering it. You might want to turn on the jets to hasten the process because doing so will enable the water to flow and help the chlorine absorb more quickly.

You can also detach the inflatable hot tub cover in the hot tub after adding Chlorine to enable the fumes to escape more quickly. This will hasten chlorine removal from the hot tub when combined with working hot tub jets.

How Much Chlorine Is Safe for A Hot Tub?

If you’re sanitizing your hot tub with chlorine or doing a chlorine shock, add enough water to bring the ppm down between about 5 and 8 parts per million. This will guarantee that the water has a significant boost in chlorine so that it can work actively to kill any bacteria and thoroughly purify the water.

However, adding chemicals with the range below and above 5 to 8 parts per million is not considered suitable for bathing. more chlorine to irritate the skin and eyes, possibly causing respiratory problems. You must therefore be patient. The longer you wait, the less chlorine there will be in the water because chlorine degrades over time. Regular chlorine testing is required; you should wait until the level is around 2 and 4 parts per million before using the hot tub.

How To Check Chlorine Levels In Hot Tub?

After 30 minutes of waiting, you will need to check the water levels to see if the chlorine levels are in the safe range of 5 and 8 parts per million. This process will determine if the waiting time is over or if you need more time to wait. There are two ways to check the Chlorine levels of water in your hot tub.

hot tub water quality check

One way to do it is to use hot tub water strips. This is how you do it.

  • Gather a sample of fresh water.
  • A strip doesn’t need to soak; simply dip it into the water and remove it immediately.
  • For roughly 15 seconds, keep it still. Avoid shaking it!
  • Match the shades on the strip and the package’s directions by comparing them.
  • Check if the water levels or hot tub water chemistry is balanced. If not, make adjustments as necessary.

Use conventional hot tub test strips to check for pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels.  But you may get specialized strips if you also want to test for additional substances like iron, copper, and salt.

Another way to test the safety levels of Chlorine is to use a liquid test kit. If you choose this course of action, ensure the pH and chlorine levels are tested with phenol red and orthotolidine (OTO), respectively.

  • Gather a sample of water; your test kits should include a collector.
  • To check the water on the chlorine side, add the advised number of OTO drops.
  • Examine the colors of the hot tub water to the color patterns on the detector while holding it up against a white wall. Darker red water indicates a high pH, and darker yellow water indicates a high chlorine level.

What Happens When You Enter The Hot Tub When Chlorine Level Is High?

Getting into a hot tub after adding high levels of chlorine is not a good idea. Chlorine is a potent chemical that, if not utilized properly, can lead to respiratory problems, skin irritation, hair problems, and overly itchy eyes.

This is not to claim that taking a bath in a hot tub after adding high chlorine content will immediately cause you to experience any of these issues, but there is a larger chance of having it.   It makes no sense to disregard the manufacturer’s guidelines and jeopardize your health when high amounts of chlorine are also thought to be linked to various health problems.

Keep in mind that you are essentially soaking in a chemical cauldron while in a hot tub. The fewer chemicals in the water, the better; therefore, aim to keep chlorine levels low whenever possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions to guide you in knowing how long you should wait after putting chlorine in the hot tub.

How Soon Can You Get In A Hot Tub After Shocking It?

After a hot tub shock, wait for at least 20 to 30 minutes before starting to soak again. Do this only if your hot tub water has been tested and is at safe levels. 

Another recommendation is to wait two hours before using your hot tub again after shocking it. This is because chlorine needs time to sanitize water; depending on how strong your shock treatment is, this process could take up to 12 hours.

How Long Does It Take For Chlorine To Dissipate In A Hot Tub?

Before stepping into the tub, make sure the water has been checked with a test kit. Normally, it should take the chlorine anywhere between 1 hour to 48 hours to dissipate. Lowering the chlorine level in your hot tub will take between 24 and 48 hours if you choose to shock it. Non chlorine shock, on the other hand, easily dissipates.

Is There A Substitute For Chlorine In A Hot Tub?

Chlorine isn’t the only option for sanitizing your hot tub. In recent years, more and more people have become aware of the various health and environmental risks of utilizing powerful chemicals. Alternatives to hot tub sanitizers that do not utilize powerful and harsh chemicals are non chlorine shock treatments such as ozonators, UV light, and more organic salt water methods.

How Quickly Does Chlorine Dissolve In A Hot Tub?

When a spa cover is removed, UV radiation from the sun will dissolve any chlorine that hasn’t been neutralized with cyanuric acids, such as lithium hypo. Under direct sunlight, one ppm of unstabilized chlorine will disappear in less than 15 minutes. This dissipation pace is substantially faster in a heated spa.

If you want the chlorine in your hot tub to dissolve more quickly, warm the water before administering any chemicals because chlorine dissipates easily at higher temperatures. Additionally, you should pay attention to the chemical’s duration in hot tubs and any potential adverse effects, such as skin rashes or an unpleasant odor.


closeup of clear hot tub water

Waiting 30 minutes after putting chlorine to the hot tub is necessary to allow the chemical to dissipate in the water. For best results, you can also wait 24-48 hours to ensure that the chlorine has gone down to the safe levels of 5-8 ppm. You will risk skin and respiratory problems if you enter a hot tub with a high chlorine level. The waiting time is worth the wait, so be patient and enjoy the reward of having a safe and clean hot tub experience.