How Often Should You Change Hot Tub Water?

Just because you regularly do water maintenance and add sanitizers like chlorine, you won�t need to change your hot tub water. Although using sanitizers makes your hot tub water clean and clear, at some point, you will still need to drain and change your hot tub water.

To keep yourself clean and healthy and to ensure that your hot tub won�t become damaged, it is best to change the water once in a while. 

But how often do we mean by once in a while? The answer to this question is in this article, so make sure you read until the end.

Why Should You Change Hot Tub Water?

Before we get to business, let us first know and understand the indicators that will signal you to change your hot tub water. If you observe these in your hot tub, then it is the right time to schedule the drain and refill process.

Quality Of Hot Tub Water

Check your water chemistry to see if all of them are balanced.  Cloudy or discolored water is typically due to a PH or alkalinity problem. Use testing kits or a water strip to check these. You’ll use a chemical treatment, depending on the sort of water you have.

But if you�ve tried every solution and still haven’t achieved a balanced chemistry level, the best thing you can do is change the hot tub water and start with fresh water.

Residue From Cheap Chemical Treatments

Lots of solids are left behind by inexpensive chemicals when you make a hot tub clean. Oddly, these total dissolved solids can result in dirty hot tub water and cloudy water, necessitating the application of more chemicals to clear it up. These particles are inactive compounds like fillings, binders, adhesives, etc.

These solids are not left behind when you use higher quality chemicals which are a little more expensive than the cheap ones.  

Unusual Smells

Often, you don’t even need to glance at the hot tub’s water to notice that something is off. When you open the cover or step into hot tubs, you probably need a refill if you notice a foul smell or something strange.

How Often To Drain Hot Tub?

Given the indicators you have noticed from the above examples, it should be enough reason to change your hot tub water.

Experts advise replacing the water in the hot tub every three to four months.

This is suggested because, as you add additional chlorine, it will break down in your hot tub more slowly until it eventually stops dissolving altogether. Only a certain amount of chemicals can be dissolved in hot tub water before supersaturation occurs. You might notice sand on the shell and the water turning cloudy. Additionally, maintaining balanced water chemistry may be more difficult for you.

However, this is not clear-cut at all. The frequency will still vary among hot tubs.

How To Determine The Frequency Of Changing Hot Tub Water?

girls celebrating in a hot tub

To know when and how often you should change your hot tub water, consider the following:

Bath Tub Load

A bather load is the quantity and frequency of hot tub usage. To determine the water change frequency, you only need to guess the typical bather load.

Bath Tub Capacity

You must first determine the hot tub’s capacity or the amount of water it can hold. Smaller hot tubs could require water replacement more frequently than larger ones.  

Consider these estimates in buying your new hot tub:

  • Approximately 170 gallons are contained in a 2-person spa (around 650 liters).
  • A 4-person hot tub has a capacity of 330 water gallons (around 1250 liters).
  • The volume of a large spa with seating for 7 or 8 persons ranges from 475 to 610 water gallons ( around 1800 and 2300 liters).

How Do You Change Hot Tub Water?

If it is now 3-4 months and you have noticed some undesirable changes in your hot tub water, this quick guide will help you change your hot tub water regularly.

  • Turn off the power from the main circuit.�
  • Removal and cleaning of hot tub filters. The filters are where the body oils and other contaminants and filtered, so not cleaning them would lead to dirty water.
  • Unload or drain your hot tub water
  • Sanitize the hot tub
  • Refill water in the hot tub
  • Turn the power on
  • Add the appropriate amount of chemicals and maintain water quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions to guide you in knowing hope often you should change your spa water. 

Do You Drain A Hot Tub After Each Use?

About once every three to four months if you’re a typical hot tub owner.  However, if your spa water sees a lot of use, you may have to empty it more frequently. Long durations of misused water in your spa might lead to issues including odor, cloudiness, algae accumulation, or hot tub foaming.

What Chemicals Do You Put In A Hot Tub When You Change The Water?

Your hot tub needs to be sanitized with a relatively high dose of sanitizer whenever you load or reload it. When first filling the hot tub, put 40g of chlorinated granules every 1000L of water, and wait for the level to drop to 3-5 mg/L before entering it.

Should I Drain My Hot Tub When Not In Use?

As long as you keep it appropriately secured with a hot tub cover, leaving your hot tub empty in the summertime is not an issue. It’s essential to get protection for your hot tub, so always use a cover. 


water closeup hot tub

As hot tub owners, keep in mind that this is only a guideline rather than a set.  The timing may alter depending on the local water quality, whether the hot tub is outside or indoors, and how effectively you maintain the water in between changes. But it is recommended that you change it every 3-4 months so you can enjoy a comfortable, warm bath experience.