How to Fix Crack in Hot Tub in 3 Ways

Nothing can make your day worse for a hot tub owner than finding out about a crack in your hot tub. Your hot tub’s safety, comfort, and functionality could all be affected by even the smallest fractures and scratches.

That is why you should identify the cause of the cracks as soon as possible and take necessary actions to fix them before the damages can worsen. 

But don’t worry, some cracks don’t need professional assistance. Yes, you heard it right! Read until the end of this article to the possible causes of hot tub cracks and the solutions you can try to fix them.

How Do you Fix A Cracked Hot Tub?

If you have identified the possible causes of the crack in your hot tub from the reasons above, you must now ensure preventive measures to ensure that such causes are addressed and resolved. Alternatively, here are the ways that you can do to repair hot tub scratches and cracks.

empty clear hot tub interior

Call The Hot Tub Manufacturer

Speak with the manufacturer to request repair or replacement for any surface damage, like cracks covered by the warranty. Ensure you know what is expected of you when opening the hot tub and ordering necessary parts.

Call An Expert

If you don’t have a warranty for your hot tub from the manufacturer, then the next option you can do is to speak with a local specialist who is an expert in terms of fixing hot tubs. 

Search your local classifieds and advertising to find someone who specializes in fixing hot tub surfaces. Before they arrive on-site to begin the work, inquire first about what needs to be done and the expenses you will incur.

Do A Do-It-Yourself Fix

Although it may seem intimidating, if you don’t have a large crack, you might be able to fix the damage on your own. Additionally, you can reduce your costs by using professional assistance.

Be advised that any surface warranty offered by the manufacturer may be voided if you repair a scratch or crack yourself.

To do this, follow these steps.

  • Drain The Hot Tub. The hot tub should be completely drained of water, and you can let the surface dry naturally or use a soft towel to hasten the process.
  • Clean The Hot Tub. Make sure to thoroughly wipe the scratches and fractures to remove any dirt obstructing a good patch job.
  • Assess The Crack. Examine the crack or scrape more closely. Before continuing, decide whether there is a significant crack or a minor scratch.
  • For Small Cracks. The easiest ones to fix are these. Just use a little of the acrylic repair kit and get a patch of material. After letting it dry, rub it out and sand it down.
  • For Large Cracks. If it is larger, the crack may need to be ground into a V shape using a rotary tool. Add the patch material after that is finished, and then sand it smoothly. Buff it out to make it shiny after it has been sanded.
  • Refill And Clean The Hot Tub. As soon as the repair is finished, make sure it completely dries. Once it has dried, carefully clean the affected region and while you’re doing it, go through the remainder of your shell. Then, add more water to your hot tub and look for leaks.

What Causes A Hot Tub To Crack?

There could be multiple reasons why your hot tub has experienced a crack. Among the many improper installation tops as the first. But other than that, here are some of the most common causes of hot tub cracks.

hot tub overlooking nice scenery

Exposure To Sunlight 

Due to surface expansion and contraction brought on by heat, sunlight exposure for outdoor hot tubs may be harmful and result in surface cracks. Put an enclosure over your outdoor hot tub to prevent direct and excessive light and heat exposure.

Weather Conditions

In addition to its direct sun exposure, the hot tub’s outer surface could be impacted by weather conditions like rain, storms, hail, and snowfall. The heat wave and cold winters may negatively impact the hot tub’s exterior and outside shell. As a result, always build a covering over outdoor hot tubs.

Incompatible Hot Tub Chemicals

To maintain the hot tub water sanitary and clean, you must add a hot tub cleaner and sanitizers. But it also includes instructions on what kinds of chemicals you can utilize in the hot tub. 

If the hot tub is exposed to certain sanitizers and chemicals that are not recommended, the likelihood of cracks and other surface damage rises to a certain degree. As a result, only apply the chemicals the hot tub manufacturer recommends.

Surface Area Where The Hot Tub Is Put

The surface area of the installation site is crucial for the preservation and long life of the hot tub and for providing you with a smooth hot tubing experience. The hot tub must be kept on a level, sturdy surface to protect the hot tub shell.

The slab must be strong enough to support the pressure of the hot tub loaded with water. The likelihood of obtaining cracks and scratches increases significantly if the hot tub is not placed on a solid, long-lasting concrete surface.

Loaded Hot Tub Users

There are many sizes and seating capacities for hot tubs. You may find a small, medium, and big hot tubs, each of which can accommodate a particular number of people. If more people use the hot tub than it was designed for, it will eventually become damaged and develop cracks and scratches on its surface.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can A Hot Tub Crack Be Repaired?

In most cases, fixing a scratch or break in the spa’s shell is simple. In reality, draining and loading your hot tub with water will probably take the longest. 

What Can I Use To Fix A Crack In My Spa?

Most likely, your neighborhood spa or pool shop has a kit made just for your hot tub repairs. It’s acceptable to utilize an acrylic repair kit made for cars if you can’t find a kit specifically for spas. You will also need a  rotary bit and drill for larger cracks.

How Much Does It Cost To Fix A Crack In A Hot Tub?

The homeowner themselves can repair most small cracks or leaks in the shell by using sealant, which typically costs $25 at home improvement stores. A call to an experienced hot tub repair service is necessary for larger leaks. Leak repair costs might range from $200 to $1,500.


hot tub with flowers

Hot tub cracks look ugly, but they could worsen over time if you’re not careful. You should therefore fix them as soon as you can. If you have the necessary tools and equipment, hot tub repair isn’t too difficult, so you shouldn’t have any trouble repairing it yourself.

Once finished, you can return your hot tub to its former glory, allowing you to resume taking warm baths in a gorgeous tub.