How to Heat Up Inflatable Hot Tub Faster

Every hot tub owner eventually wonders how to speed up the heating process of an inflatable hot tub whether it is your first time using a hot tub or you are doing a hot tub routine maintenance.

Nobody enjoys sitting around in a frigid spa for hours on end. You simply want it to be warm enough to jump in, relax, and begin relaxing in a warm bath as soon as possible.

But that should not be a problem because, in this post, we will reveal the ways that you can heat an inflatable hot tub faster. Make sure to stick until the end.

5 Ways To Heat Up An Inflatable Hot Tub Faster

Because there is a limited amount of electrical energy available, heating such a vast volume of water in an inflatable hot tub requires a lot of energy.  Here are some ways that you can heat the water faster and increase hot tub temperature.

hot tub spa center

Use Hot Water To Fill Inflatable Hot Tub Water

Using a hot water can significantly shorten or even skip the heating process. But be extremely careful not to go above the hot tub’s maximum temperature, often 104� Fahrenheit, as this could harm it. Vinyl might melt if you put boiling water over it.

If there isn’t enough cold water in your hot tub to absorb the heat, never add boiling water. In that case, be careful not to pour the warm hot tub water too close to the walls of the inflatable hot tub.

Use A Hot Tub Cover To Insulate Hot Tub

Hot tub owners can use an insulating hot tub covers, but it isn’t much you can do regarding insulating your inflatable hot tub walls.

An inflatable cover that creates an insulating air pocket is a popular option for an inflatable hot tub. You can create your homemade polystyrene cover for even more insulation, especially if you like doing creative stuff. 

The insulating hot tub cover will cause significantly fewer heat losses through evaporation and radiation. Of course, the more significant this is, the higher the temperature differential between the water and the outside air. Use a layer of insulation underneath the hot tub before installing it. Compared to concrete, a wood subfloor will insulate far better. Even a worn-out rug can cut down on heat loss through the bottom.

Use A Gas Water Heater

If firewood or gas in your location is inexpensive, although this can cost more to set up, you’ll save money. A typical inflatable hot tub heater uses electricity and has a maximum power capacity. If you have a heater in the circuit, you can bypass this and speed up the heating process.

Use Solar Heaters

A solar heater attached to your hot tub’s filtration system may quickly and cost-effectively accelerate heating during the sweltering summer months. The only disadvantage to this is that it needs sunlight.

Use Thermal Spa Blankets

Insulated floating sheets, called thermal spa blankets, are made to rest immediately on the water’s surface. Imagine them as sturdy bubble wraps.

Adding a thermal spa blanket beneath your hot tub cover will provide protection, preventing heat from evaporating from the water’s surface, particularly during the winter months. 

Although thermal spa blankets come in several sizes, for optimal effectiveness, you must trim them to suit the contour of your spa precisely.

How Long Does It Take To Heat Up An Inflatable Hot Tub?

Inflatable hot tubs typically take 12 hours to reach temperature. They need longer than standard hot tubs since they have almost no insulation. The temperature of the surrounding air, as well as the temperatures of the water coming from the garden hose, determine how long these take to heat up.

Due to the structural changes between inflatable hot tubs and conventional hot tubs, there should be performance variations. Here are some of the information to remember. 

  • Inflatable hot tubs may take up to three to four times as long to heat up as conventional hard-sided hot tubs (5 to 8 hours on average). The period it takes for an inflatable hot tub to reheat depends on the ambient temperature and the water used to fill it.
  • If you fill the tub using your garden hose during the summer when the air temperature is in the 90s, the water temperature may be between 75 and 80 Fahrenheit. However, during colder seasons, the hose’s temperature may fall as low as 65� F.
  • Inflatables differ from conventional hard-sided tubs for a further reason. The former cannot simultaneously operate their heater and jets. To heat an inflatable hot tub, you must turn off the jets. The capacity of the heaters will also vary.
  • A standard hot tub’s temperature can rise by 100 degrees Fahrenheit in roughly 4 hours with a 7kW heater. This would require three to six times longer for an inflatable powered by 110v, with a 13amp socket and a heater with a maximum power rating of 1 to 1.2kW.

What To Put In The Bottom Of Hot Tub To Heat Up Water Faster?

An inflatable hot tub should be positioned on an insulated ground mat. These frequently accompany the purchasing of the hot tub. If the hot tub is put on the ground, it helps avoid heat loss and offers protection from tearing or puncture.

Additionally, it increases thermal efficiency and lowers operating expenses. You have other options besides a ground cloth, such as foam blankets or hot tub pads.

Along with offering some insulation, the ground mat, foam blankets, or hot tub pads shield your tub from foreign items and sharp edges. Most tubs include floor mats; you can buy one if you don’t have any.

Hot tub mats and foam sheets are readily available. If you want better insulation, a hot tub mat is more expensive, but it is also a more effective option.

Never set up an inflatable hot tub straight on gravel or grass. Gravel chips and large stones will easily puncture it. To preserve it, constantly place a mat below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions on how to heat an inflatable hot tub faster.

happy girlfriends in a hot tub

Does Hot Tub Heat Up Faster With Jets On?

Since most inflatable hot tubs cannot operate their heater and jets simultaneously, they do not heat up more quickly when the jets are turned on. Turning on the jets does shorten the heating time for conventional 220v hard-sided hot tubs.

This results from the electrical configuration, which restricts how many things may be on at once. Most portable hot tubs use 220 volts, while inflatable hot tubs use 110 volts. Simply said, the former lacks sufficient power to operate both together.

Does Hot Tub Heat Up Faster With Bubbles On?

Theoretically, turning on the jets while the hot tub is starting to heat up will cause cold air bubbles to travel through the water, slowing the heating-up process. Therefore, turning off the jets is ideal if you want the hot water to go as quickly as possible.

Why Is My Inflatable Hot Tub Not Getting Hot?

The filter is the most frequent reason for an inflatable hot tub if it stops heating up. A filthy filter may be a sign of more issues. If you recently replaced the filter, the filter is probably to blame for the issue. If your heater breaks down, replace it straight soon.

Do Inflatable Hot Tubs Stay Hot In the Winter?

Yes. The majority of inflatable hot tubs may be used in the winter when there is cold water. However, if the temperature falls below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, they find it difficult to maintain the desired water temperature. The tub’s bottom has an insulation ground mat that keeps the water at a constant temperature.

How Do I Make My Inflatable Hot Tub Hotter Than 104?

Never let the hot tub’s water temperature get above 104 degrees Fahrenheit. For a healthy adult, a temperature of 100 � is regarded as safe. Young kids should use extra caution. Drinking too much while using a hot tub can make you sleepy, which could make you unconscious and cause you to drown.

Why Is My Hot Tub Lukewarm?

If your hot or inflatable hot tub isn’t heating up properly, various factors may be at work. It’s critical to pinpoint the source of the issue, which might be anything from an ineffective, poorly fitting hot tub cover to a broken hot tub heater to problems with the power supply, faulty components, or even inadequate insulation.


woman smiling while bathing in a hot tub

It may be challenging to wait for an inflatable hot tub to heat up, especially if you long to have a warm and relaxing bath experience after going home to a long day of work. Thankfully, you don�t have to wait long when you follow all the information and tips provided above. Not only will you heat the inflatable hot tub faster, but it is also an energy-efficient and cost-effective method. Now you are ready to heat up your inflatable hot tub and enjoy a warm and relaxing bath experience.