How to Reduce Chlorine in a Hot Tub in 10 Easy Steps

Have you ever wondered how to reduce chlorine in your hot tub? If so, you’re not alone.

Chlorine is necessary to keep a hot tub clean, but too much of it can be a problem. So, here are some easy ways to reduce the amount of chlorine in your hot tub so you can enjoy it without worry.

1.) Use A Chlorine-Reducing Agent.

Using a chlorine-reducing agent to reduce the amount of chlorine in your hot tub is a good first option. They’re designed to break down chlorine, making it less potent. Just make sure to follow the instructions on the package, as they will vary depending on the product.

2.) Install A UV Filter

A UV filter is a great way to reduce the amount of chlorine in your hot tub because it kills bacteria that cause chlorine to be released into the water.

3.) Use Less Chlorine

This one seems obvious, but it’s worth mentioning. If you use less chlorine, there will be less of it in your hot tub. That means you’ll have to shock your hot tub less often, saving you money in the long run.

4.) Pre-treat Your Hot Tub Water

If you pre-treat your hot tub water with a chlorine-reducing agent before you add chlorine, you’ll be able to reduce the amount of chlorine released into the water. This is because the chlorine will bind to the molecules in the pre-treatment agent before it can bind to anything else.

5.) Get A Hot Tub Cover

A hot tub cover can help reduce the evaporation that occurs, which will keep more chlorine in the water.

6.) Don’t Overdo It With The Chemicals

If you use too many chemicals in your hot tub, they can interact with each other and create chlorine gas. This gas can harm your health, so it’s important to only use the number of chemicals the manufacturer recommends.

7.) Rinse Off After Swimming

If you swim in your hot tub, rinse off afterward. This will remove any chlorine or bromine from your body and keep it out of the water.

8.) Keep Your Hot Tub Clean

cleaning hot tub

A dirty hot tub is a breeding ground for bacteria, which can increase total chlorine levels. So, clean your hot tubs regularly to prevent this from happening.

9.) Shock Your Hot Tub Less Often

If you shock your hot tub less often, you’ll use less chlorine and save money in the long run.

10.) Use A Phosphate Remover

Phosphates can cause an increase in algae growth, which can lead to an increase in chlorine levels. So, if you remove the phosphates from your hot tub water, you’ll be able to reduce the amount of chlorine needed to keep it clean.

Other Ways to Reduce Chlorine

If you’re still not satisfied with the amount of chlorine in your hot tub, you can do a few other things to reduce it.

Use Distilled Water

Distilled water contains no minerals, so it won’t interact with the chemicals in your hot tub and cause them to release chlorine gas.

Get a Reverse Osmosis Water Filter

A reverse osmosis water filter will remove most of the impurities from your water, including chlorine. This will make your hot tub water safer and more pleasant to soak into.

Use an Alternative Sanitizer.

There are many different types of sanitizers that you can use in your hot tub, including bromine, iodine, and UV light. These alternatives are just as effective as chlorine at killing bacteria, but they won’t cause the same problems with too much chlorine in your hot tub.

Should I Use Chlorine or Bromine?

If you’re trying to decide between chlorine or bromine for your hot tub, there are a few things you need to consider.


Chlorine is typically cheaper than bromine, so if cost is a factor, chlorine might be the better choice.

Ease Of Use

Bromine is easier to use than chlorine because it doesn’t evaporate as quickly. That means you don’t have to add it often, which can simplify your hot tub maintenance.


Bromine is generally considered safer than chlorine because it doesn’t produce harmful chemicals or a strong chemical smell when interacting with other substances in your hot tub water. However, chlorine and bromine can irritate your skin, so it’s important to use them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Both chlorine and bromine kill bacteria and keep your hot tub clean. However, some people prefer the way that chlorine works because it doesn’t leave behind any residue.


Bromine can sometimes have a strong smell, which some people find unpleasant. Another thing to take note of is a strong chlorine smell. However, it’s not as overpowering as bromine.


Chlorine can sometimes make your hot tub water taste bad. Bromine generally doesn’t have this problem, but some people don’t like the taste of bromine either.

Health Concerns

Some people are concerned about the health effects of chlorine, but there is no evidence that it’s harmful to humans at the levels typically found in hot tubs. Bromine is also considered to be safe for human use. Bromine or chlorine levels can also be affected by other chemicals, such as oils or lotions.

Environmental Concerns

Chlorine can be damaging to the environment if it’s not used properly. Bromine is also a concern for the environment, but it’s not as harmful as chlorine.

So, which should you use? It depends on your personal preferences. If you’re worried about cost, chlorine might be the better choice. Bromine might be a better option if you’re concerned about simplicity or safety. Ultimately, the best way to decide is to try both and see which you prefer.

Can I Use a Chlorine Neutralizer?

A chlorine neutralizer is a product you can add to your hot tub water to reduce the amount of chlorine. These products work by binding to the chlorine molecules and making them inactive.

Chlorine neutralizers can effectively reduce chlorine levels in your hot tub, but they don’t completely remove it. That means you’ll still need to use some other sanitation method, such as bromine or an alternative sanitizer.

Free Chlorine vs. Combined Chlorine

When you test your hot tub water, you’ll notice two types of chlorine readings: free chlorine and combined chlorine.

  • Free chlorine is the type of chlorine that actively works to kill bacteria and other contaminants.
  • Combined chlorine is a by-product of the sanitization process and is not as effective at killing bacteria.

Ideally, you want to maintain a higher level of free chlorine and a lower level of combined chlorine. If the levels get reversed, it’s an indication that your hot tub isn’t being properly sanitized. So, if you’re wondering what free chlorine levels and combined chlorine are, then this is your answer.

Remember: Chlorine Levels Should Be Tested Regularly

clear water

Testing your water only takes a few minutes, and it’s a good way to catch problems before they become serious.

Additionally, you can use chlorine test strips. Chlorine test strips can help you keep track of your hot tub’s chlorine levels. Test strips are easy to use, giving you an accurate reading of the chlorine level in your water.

You should test your water at least once a week, but more often is better. If you notice that the chlorine levels are getting low, add more sanitizer immediately, but remember, too much sanitizer is not good too.

If you own a pool or spa, the pool water or spa water needs to be tested regularly. You can find pool test strips at most hardware or home improvement stores.

Excess Chlorinating Granules Can Raise Chlorine Levels

Chlorine tablets or chlorine granules are a convenient way to keep your hot tub surfaces sanitized. You can add them to a floating dispenser or directly to the water.

However, it’s important to be careful not to overdo it. If you add too many chlorinating granules, it will result in very high chlorine levels. This can cause skin and eye irritation for users.

Using sodium thiosulfate is an alternate solution. Sodium thiosulfate can be used to lower chlorine levels in your hot tub.

Another thing to consider is using fresh water. Fresh water is another great & simple solution to maintain a consistent hot tub chlorine level.

Conclusion: Too Much Chlorine in Your Hot Tub Is Bad for Your Health

If you have too much chlorine in your hot water tub or pool, it can be bad for your health. Chlorine gas can irritate your lungs and cause problems with your respiratory system. It can also dry out your skin and hair and make your eyes red and irritated.

So, if you’re concerned about the amount of chlorine in your hot tub just like many hot tub owners, follow the tips above to reduce it. This will help you to enjoy your hot tub or pool without worrying about the negative effects of too much chlorine.