How to Remove Calcium From Hot Tub Without Draining It: 3 Steps

Soaking in hot tubs is one of the best leisurely activities, especially when you need to relax your worn-out muscles. However, hot tub owners know that it’s not easy to conduct regular maintenance when unfamiliar with the process.

A hot tub must be regularly cleaned to prevent skin irritation, rashes, and unhygienic conditions. However, draining the water inside the hot tub can take a lot of time, increasing your upcoming water bill

Hot tub maintenance also includes balancing the chemistry of your hot tub water, and in doing so, several things may go wrong and result in a hot tub scale. 

Although this isn’t harmful to people, getting rid of it should be a top priority to prevent it from contaminating the pipes and other hot tub equipment.

Fortunately, some techniques can clean your hot tub without draining it; the process usually begins with hand-scrubbing the interior, followed by water treatment.

This article will tell you everything about removing calcium deposits without draining your hot tub water.

How Can I Remove The Calcium Buildup Without Draining The Hot Tub?

hot tub pressure nozzle

You can remove hot tub scaling without draining the water, although it may need some effort depending on the cause and how long it has been there. Here are some steps and methods you can follow to eliminate the calcium buildup in your hot tub or spa. 

Step 1: Clean Your Entire Hot Tub

Remove the hot tub cover and ensure that the tub is turned off, then thoroughly clean the area above the water line and any reachable fixtures. Don’t worry if you can’t remove some of the scalings from the water; the filter will capture it. 

Clean the filter afterward to prevent the scale from entering the hot tub and restarting the cycle.

Step 2: Drain The Hot Tub Before Using Scale Remover

If your hot tub suffers from a heavy calcium scale buildup, your best option will be to drain the water before cleaning your hot tub. You can use as much hot tub scale remover as necessary without worrying about it leaking into the spa shell. 

Additionally, it’s a chance to give your hot tub a thorough cleaning.

Step 3: Use A Vinegar Scrub

While you can remove the coarser deposits off the hot tub’s shell using this technique, it may not necessarily remove any calcium buildup in your tub’s jet lines. 

If possible, avoid using abrasive cleaners, and be cautious while working with any chemicals because they can alter the pH balance of the water. You can remove any hot tub scale buildup by following the steps below:

  1. Drain the hot tub water.
  2. Remove any remaining moisture or oil residue with a clean towel.
  3. Wait for the hot tub to dry.
  4. Measure the vinegar in a 1:1 ratio, mix it with distilled water, and then pour it into a spray bottle.
  5. Spray the hot tub shell with the solution and wait about 5 minutes. 
  6. Scrub the surface and the area surrounding the jets with a nylon brush. When necessary, use more of the solution to remove hot tub scales that are tough to remove.
  7. Use a paste made of baking soda and distilled water to eliminate all the remaining calcium deposits. Use the brush to scrub the paste and a damp cloth to remove the residual baking soda.

What Do You Mean By Hot Tub Scale?

A hot tub scale develops when the water’s chemistry is out of balance due to an excess amount of calcium and magnesium. 

When the water cannot contain the highly saturated calcium,  it flows out of the solution, resulting in a white, chalky, and sandpaper-like texture accumulating on the hot tub’s surface. 

Although this scale isn’t very harmful to the tub itself, it can significantly damage your hot tub’s heater, pump, filter, and pipes when left unchecked.

What Causes A Calcium Scale In Hot Tubs?

Body oils are one of many factors that might cause calcium buildup in your hot tub. Several contaminants can worsen the problem, but hard water and highly alkaline water are two common causes.

Some of the other factors that contribute to the calcium scale deposits in your hot tub are the following:

Hard Water

Hard water occurs when a water source has high concentrations of calcium and magnesium. This usually applies to areas surrounded by hard water, which will be the primary water source for your hot tub.

Leftover minerals from the water in your hot tub evaporate and cling to the hot tub shell and plumbing. If you replace the evaporated water, it will leave behind mineral deposits, slowly buildup on the walls of your hot tub.

Alkalinity Level

Alkaline water has a high concentration of dissolved solids, especially in lime. Similar to how calcium and magnesium behave in evaporated water, these dissolved particles stick behind and lead to the formation of a hot tub scale. 

Water Contaminants

Our bodies continuously produce oils. Even when your skin is dry, and you’ve recently washed, your skin still releases natural oils. Additionally, your body often sheds small pieces of dry skin if you have dry skin.


Biofilm resembles an overgrown white water mold and is formed out of natural elements shed by hot tub users. This substance is more likely to develop when you use your hot tub without properly cleaning it. 

The hot tub’s damp and warm condition will stimulate mold growth, forming white flasks.

How Can I Prevent Calcium Buildup In My Hot Tub?

Calcium buildup can be removed and prevented. However, some damages can’t be repaired or restored to their original condition, so it’s best to take preventable measures thoroughly. You can follow the steps below to prevent calcium buildup in your hot tub.

Test The Water Chemistry of Your Hot Tub

To ensure that the water chemistry in your hot tub is balanced, you should use a test strip regularly, preferably once a week. You can start the necessary adjustments to prevent calcium buildup by adjusting the water’s alkalinity level. Retest it afterward, and then, if necessary, modify the pH level.

Clean Your Hot Tub Regularly

Don’t neglect cleaning your hot tub for a long time; it’s one of the main factors that develop calcium buildups. So, clean every part of your hot tub, including the jets, sides, and other components. 

Ensure to replace your hot tub filter when necessary, and avoid using hard water because it causes hot tub scales to develop.

Use High-Quality Spa Chemicals

Only use high-quality spa chemicals in your hot tub, especially if you wish to restore the pH balance or alkalinity of the water. 

Always Have A Scale Remover

Keep a scale preventer on hand, so you won’t have to rush out and buy one when needed. Regularly use a scale preventer to prevent calcium buildups and hot tub scale from emerging. 


Why should you remove calcium buildup from your hot tub?

You need to remove calcium buildup to prevent damaging the component of your hot tub. Calcium is not healthy and safe for the skin, so you should not think twice about getting rid of it.

Can I remove the hot tub scale using bleach and dishwasher detergent?

Yes, if you don’t have a scale remover, there are always alternative methods, such as using a vinegar scrub or bleach and dishwasher detergent.


child playing in the water

Even if you live in a region with a hard water source, it’s not enough to excuse you from neglecting your hot tub maintenance. Your hot tub will only last you a long time if you clean it regularly, keep the water balanced, and take the necessary action when you notice calcium buildup starts appearing.