How To Remove Hot Tub Properly In 6 Steps

Regardless if your hot tub does not serve you that warm relaxing bath or if you have plans to upgrade or transfer it to a new location, you will need to prepare a good amount of energy to remove it. 

It takes a lot of effort and preparation to disassemble your old hot tub. And it involves a little more work than just chopping the tub into parts and throwing it away. This article will teach you how to correctly remove your old tub in easy steps. Make sure to stick until the end.�

6 Steps To Remove Hot Tub Properly�

open hot tub

If you are ready to remove it on your own, here are six easy steps to guide you in your hot tub removal.

Step 1. Review The User Guide Of Your Hot Tub

Reread the spa’s instruction manual to become acquainted with everything about its original design. In case your hot tub has one, you must be well-versed in all the electric elements involved, the wiring of the water heater, and the operation of the gas lines.   When removing it from your home, being aware of these facts can secure your safety and protect you.

Step 2. Prepare The Tools Needed

Once you are done familiarizing yourself with the structure of the old hot tub, the second thing that you must do is to prepare the necessary tools and equipment that you will be using in the removal process. 

Make sure to have these items before you start:

  • Hand gloves for work and safety goggles
  • Garden Hose for cleaning
  • wearing protective gear or clothing
  • Screwdrivers Or Drills
  • Jigsaw
  • Big Tarps
  • A Reciprocating Saw

Step 3. Shut Down All The Hot Tub’s Electrical Wiring.

Now, ensure that the old tub and its parts are dry, emptied, and free of water. Ensure the hot tub’s power is turned off and unplugged from any water, power, or gas lines before beginning to remove a hot tub.

Consult your owner’s manual to find out where any specific cabling or gas pipes are in the tub. You should remove any conceivable removable components like the hot tub cover, lights, jets, or pumps. 

Step 4: Take Out The Spa Skirt

Any bolts or nails holding the old hot tub to a frame should be removed. Jacuzzi tubs are occasionally constructed using tongue-and-groove connections to join hardwood slats together. If so, you won’t need to use a saw to separate the individual slats from disassembling the skirt for such tubs. Otherwise, check your owner’s handbook to identify any pieces that are bolted first before you remove a hot tub.

Step 5: Remove And Disassemble The Hot Tub

The removal of the hot tub will be challenging. Put on protective clothing and use your reciprocating saw to cut it apart. As you cut into the tub, debris and dust will be produced. Make the tub’s components small enough to carry into your backyard and a trash can.

Step 6. Loading And Transporting The Debris

Dumping off the debris after you’ve broken up the tub is essential. If you own a pick-up truck, you will have to load the junk before transferring it, or you could rent a dumpster or take the materials directly to a dump.

What Other  Options Are Available When Removing A Hot Tub?

Let’s explore the possible options you can take once you have decided to remove your old tub.

Sell Your Hot Tub

No one will necessarily not appreciate your it just because you don’t, especially if it’s reasonably usable. Some sites don’t charge a fee when you sell an item, and you can get results quickly. You can sell it for between $100 and $500. The good thing about it is that you can earn while decluttering.

Trade Your Hot Tub

Numerous dealers run trade-in programs when you purchase a new spa. You might be able to use the worth of your spa toward the cost of buying a new one. To learn more about the potential, speak with your dealer directly or search online for marketing information or dealer websites.

Junk Your Your Hot Tub

Many businesses will visit your house, pack it up, and remove it with no questions! Anything of value is recycled or salvaged by more ecologically concerned haulers. Some rush to the landfill to dispose of it.

Be Innovative On Your Hot Tub

You can use old hot tubs in inventive ways. The most common plan is to use it to structure a house water element in a backyard landscape.�You only need a shovel, brick sand, and a rubberized pond liner to start.

Another innovative idea is to turn it over, remove the access door, and turn it into an enclosed dog house.  You can also be clever to use it as an aquaponic system for growing fish and leafy greens simultaneously. Allow your creativity to soar!

Trash Your Hot Tub

You can cut it into small chunks and take it to the dump thru your trash bin when DIY is your style, and you simply need it removed. You may also transport it intact to a nearby transfer station, where homeowners and contractors can pay a nominal charge to dump all kinds of bulky items. 

It will require more work than you can imagine. The knowledge of how to remove your spa properly also comes here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions to guide you in removing it properly.

Can I Move A Hot Tub By Myself?

Many people must move a hot tub. Your spa’s size will determine if you require specialized gear to relocate it. Finding a location may be more complicated than it appears, regardless if you have a group of people available to assist.

How Do I Get My Hot Tub Off My Deck?

To remove it from your deck, make sure that you disconnect it from all connections, drain out all the water, and cut it into manageable pieces. Next is to bring it into the dumpster for removal. 

How Do You Remove Hot tub Panels?

The side panels along either end of the cabinet side window you want to remove should have their bottoms snapped open. Take hold of the bottom-left corner panel. Pull the corner panel’s bottom out away from the hot tub before pulling it down to take it. 


bubbling hot tub

A hot tub is difficult to disassemble or remove from your property. Both require that you use extreme caution, make the necessary preparations, and always utilize safety gear. You have other options available when removing your tub, but when you decide to do it yourself, follow all the steps above.