How To Turn Hot Tub Off: 3 Ways

When cutting down on energy consumption, you might wonder how you save on the energy incurred in using the hot tub. 

So, the next question would be if it is possible to turn off your hot tub. Thankfully, the answer is a yes!

But be aware that many factors will play a role in determining whether you should actually switch off your hot tubs or if you should just allow them to keep on running. 

Keep reading below to learn which considerations you should make when deciding whether or not to turn off your hot tub while it is not being used, as well as how you can do it so that you can make an informed decision.

3 Ways To Turn Off Your Hot Tub

In most cases, hot tubs should have their power on in the control panel, as turning them on and off repeatedly wastes electricity and forces the heater to work harder to maintain the desired water temperature. 

empty hot tub

If, however, you believe that keeping your hot tub off would be prudent for some reason, the following are some of the options open to you.

1. Find The Disconnect Box

Inside the disconnect box of the hot tub, you will need to seek either the breaker or the ground fault circuit interrupter and then flip the switch on either one of them.

It will be no further than 50 feet away from the hot tub and at least 5 feet away from the tub itself. It will usually be connected to the rear or side of your house, close to where you keep the hot tub. You might also inquire with the dealer or spa manufacturers that initially installed your hot tub if they could provide you with some direction.

2. Open The Hatch On The Disconnect Box, Then Flip The Switch

A big circuit breaker may be found on the interior of it. Once you move the switch to the off position, your connection will be cut immediately. If there is more than one switch, you need to make sure that both of them are turned off so that the hot tub does not get any electricity.

3. Remove Connectors From The Power Supply

If you have a plug-and-play hot tub, turning off the hot tub in the control system can be accomplished by just unplugging it from the primary power supply.

You will likely need to drain the water from the hot tub, particularly if you will not be using it for a longer period. Because doing so could potentially cause damage to your hot tub’s circulation pump and heater, it is of the utmost importance to never run a spa tub while it does not contain any water.

What To Consider When Turning Off Your Hot Tub

Of course, you can’t just turn off your hot tub for no apparent reason.

It requires time and effort to bring a significant quantity of water up to the temperature that you like. It will save you a lot of money in the long run if you just keep the temperature of your tub at the same level rather than constantly having to heat it.

If you want to use your hot tub but first have to heat it up from cold every time, the expense of operating it would increase significantly as a result.  In addition, you would waste a significant amount of time waiting for it to warm.

So, before you turn off your hot tub, consider these factors.

Non-Peak Times

Some cities have peak and off-peak prices for electricity use that you barely notice. It might make sense to turn the hot tub off or down on a timer during peak times and switch it back on when the off-peak prices kick in. Because it may cost more than that to reheat a cooler hot tub when you’re ready to use it, you should probably go to your energy provider first to discuss the savings.


Turning down the hot tub’s temperature can have a noticeable effect on your monthly utility costs. You can also use a hot tub cover. The temperature won’t change much, but you’ll feel the effects of the savings on your next electricity bill, plus you’ll be able to retain heat. Over a month or year, even a slight temperature change can significantly impact energy use from simply using the hot tub cover and the thermostat.

Energy Expenses

People frequently worry about energy expenditures, which is the primary motivation for contemplating shutting off their hot tubs. Today’s high-quality hot tub models are quite energy-efficient. Therefore, it may not make sense to switch off your hot tub when it is not in use, as it necessitates more energy to heat a cold hot tub to the desired temperature. Using the hot tub every day or several times each week will probably be more energy efficient and less expensive to maintain. 

Frequently Asked Questions

patio hot tub

Do The Hot Tub Runs All The Time?

Well, absolutely! Hot tubs are made to work optimally when left on continuously, so hot tub running always is normal. Obviously, they will need to be drained periodically, but for the vast majority part, they are left on around the clock, especially if you are to use an air blower to pump air.

Can I Turn Off My Hot Tub For A Week?

Having said that, taking that approach with your hot tub is probably not the wisest choice. If you turn off the hot tub, it won’t be able to filter the water or circulate the water, so you’ll be left with stagnant water that isn’t being moved about. When you come back, you can find that the water sitting in the pipes has become stagnant and caused difficulties.

Can I Shut Down My Hot Tub For Several Days?

Yes, you can. However, there are a number of circumstances that can affect whether you should switch off your hot tub or leave the hot tub running. This article discusses the elements to consider when determining whether or not to switch off your hot tub when it is not in use.


woman sitting in a hot tub

There you have it! Now you can turn off your hot tub by simply locating the disconnect box, flipping the switch, and disconnecting the cables. Just make sure that before you turn off your hot tub, you should consider the factors stated above. Turning off your hot tub regularly can cause a spike in your electricity bill because of the need to always keep it warm.