What to Wear in a Hot Tub? Everything You Need to Know

As hot tub owners, it makes a plus when you wear the appropriate outfit when soaking in a relaxing bath. Although it might not make much difference to be picky and fancy since you will be staying in the water most of the time, it does not make sense just to pick and wear whatever you see in your closet.

So, whether you’re having a hot tub party with your friends or spending intimate time alone in your private hot tub, this article is here to help guide you in knowing what to wear in a hot tub. Make sure to read until the end.

What To Wear In Hot Tub?

Finding the right outift for the hot tub can be challenging, and it may be as easy as swimming at beaches, hot springs or lakes. Here are some clothing options you can wear in a hot tub to guide you. 

Hot Tub Swimsuit

Swimsuits or bathing suits are the popular choices of many owners when going for a hot tub bath.  But you should only wear a swimsuit that is intended only for hot tubs.

It is a big no to use the same swimwear you frequently use when going to the beach, hot springs, ocean, lake, and pool. They may have impurities that accumulate over time, making the water hazy or foaming. Additionally, it raises the possibility of carrying something unsafe that might encourage the growth of slime, mold, or algae.

Swimsuits not used solely for hot tubs may include sunscreen, detergent, and other contaminants, including minerals and biological substances. 

Aside from that, it will also throw off your water chemistry, leading to more severe problems. So it is best to wear or buy a swimsuit only for hot tub use.

Hot Tub Shorts

Men can simply wear a pair of swim trunks, which is very acceptable. Avoid cargo and denim shorts as these would be uncomfortable and unsuitable for the water. 

Regular clothing fibers can become harmed by chlorine. If you wear a set of heavy-duty swim trunks, ensure the material is strong. It is also advisable to use dedicated shorts for spa use, only for the same reasons mentioned above. 

If you wear regular shorts that you wear outside every day, then use them to soak and have a relaxing bath in your hot tubs; you may risk carrying bacteria from the outside to your hot tube water. In the long run, this will cause the water to be cloudy or foamy. Entirely throwing off your water chemistry.


Bennies are essential to wear, especially for owners who want to enjoy a warm dip during the winter. 

It is a great apparel item that can keep your ears pleasantly warm and help retain your hair dry and up. Additionally, since a beanie won’t get in the way, you can stay comfortable and warm while taking advantage of your spa’s standard amenities.

Sandals And Slippers

Your feet may suffer greatly from the walk from and to the hot tub. Wearing slippers, shoes, or sandals is crucial to keeping feet as warm as possible, especially during the winter.  Slippers or sandals can prevent slipping while walking and keep your feet warm. Make sure you choose footwear with a sturdy grip!

The Do’s When Choosing What To Wear In A Hot Tub

family on a vacation in a hot tub

Additionally, here are some other do’s that you can find helpful when choosing your best ootd for a hot tub bath.

  • Do opt for a more affordable, sturdy suit composed of durable material, like nylon.
  • Do rinse off before entering to ensure that your outfit is clean before entering water.
  • Do prepare bathrobes and bathroom towels on hand. 
  • Do rinse your outfit and hang it out until it’s dry. You don’t need to use detergents when washing it because the water is already sanitized.

The Dont’s When Choosing What To Wear In A Hot Tub

Your hot tub water has delicate chemistry that can change and throw off balance in just about any minor water irritation. Make sure to consider this list of donts to guide you. 

  • Don’t wear or buy expensive swimwear when choosing what to wear for your hot tub bath. Swimwear can eventually become damaged by hot tub chemicals like chlorine. So you might just only be wasting your money.
  • Don’t wear regular clothing like a cotton t-shirt or denim shorts when going for a bath.
  • Don’t use a spandex suit when your hot tub has high chlorine levels; it can make the material wear quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions to guide you in knowing what to wear in a hot tub.

What Is Hot Tub Etiquette?

Hot Tub etiquette is a rule imposed by the hot tub owner or just a general guideline when using a hot tub.  It would tell users what they are allowed and not allowed to do to make the hot tub experience enjoyable for every user. For instance, part of the hot tub etiquette would be to wear the appropriate outfit and not go into the hot tub naked or not bring food near the water.

Do You Wear Anything In A Hot Tub?

You can wear a bathing suit or swimming trunks for hot tub use. However, soaking in your hot tub naked is also very acceptable. In this case, you will no longer have to worry about what to wear and not worry about what chemicals it could bring to the water. Just rinse when you’ve used body lotions or makeup during the day. 

Is It Safe To Get In A Hot Tub In The Winter?

You can use a  hot tub in the winter. In contrast to the bitter cold of winter, the warm water feels rejuvenating against bare skin. There is no risk of pipelines freezing as long as the power is on, water levels are appropriate, chemicals are balanced, and equipment is in good operating order. Just make sure to wear the proper cold winter gear.


woman smiling at a man in a hot tub

What makes you feel the most comfortable will ultimately determine what to wear in your hot tub bathing experience. After all, the whole point of using it is to relax and find some quiet so that you may release the day’s tension and feel fantastic. You have various options, including swimming trunks, a one-piece bathing suit, a bikini, swimming trunks, or choosing to go naked. Just ensure that you are not bringing any unwanted chemicals or bacteria into the hot tub water.