Which US President Had a 7-Seat Hot Tub?

A US president certainly deserves the warm bath experience of a hot tub. Leisure and relaxation are as important as solving problems of the state. So who’s the lucky President? 

Read until the end to know which president had a seven-seat hot tub in the white house.

So, Who Has A Seven-Seat Hot Tub Installed In The White House Lawn?

According to Michael D. McCurry, the white house press secretary for the White House, President Bill Clinton reportedly had a seven-seater hot tub that was donated to him installed on the South Lawn of the White House, right next to the swimming pool.

us president bill clinton

The model name of the above-ground hot tub is the Grandee, and its retail price is approximately $7,500. Watkins Manufacturing Corporation, based in California, was kind enough to give it to the President as a gift.

The tub installation was recommended by Mr. Clinton’s physicians as part of his treatment, even though the addition was already anticipated before President Clinton had his knee injury.

The press secretary mentioned that the tub has 25 adjustable jets and could hold up to 500 gallons of water. You can move around and have multiple jets affect various areas of your body, even if you are not utilizing the spa to entertain many people simultaneously.

former us president clinton

When Mr. McCurry was asked why the Clintons needed seven seats, he said that they wouldn’t rule out the potential that someday shortly, there may be larger families to live in the White House in the near future. It will be useful, depending 0on how many children the president may have.

The 7-Seat Hot Tub on the White House Lawn was originally installed for the benefit of the Presidents. It has quickly become everyone’s favorite spot on the grounds. There are over a dozen styles to choose from in the pool, and the hot tub offers enough for up to seven people.