Why Is My Hot Tub Green (And How to Fix It)

Nothing is more disturbing for every hot tub owner than the sight of green hot tub water. It is disgusting at first glance and indicates that you have a dirty and unhealthy hot tub.

Your hot tub’s water becoming green is a solid sign that you must adjust the chemical levels. It will undoubtedly smell and look bad, making it unsafe for you to use your hot tub.

Does this mean saying goodbye to a clean and relaxing warm bath? Thankfully, no.  This article is your practical guide in showing why your hot tub is green and the reasonable steps you can take to fix it. Make sure to stick until the end.

Reasons Why A Hot Tub Is Green 

Is your hot tub water green? There are a few culprits to blame for a green hot tub. Thankfully, each has a proven and easy method to fix, which will get on later in this article. You can assess your hot tub condition by looking at these reasons.

1. Low pH Level

Your hot tub water is green if the pH is too low and if there is a chemical imbalance in the water. Bacteria can grow and color the water green when there is a pH imbalance. The hot tub water is corrosive if the pH level is too low; over time, this can corrode metal and plastic equipment. This can also be accompanied by hot tub foam.

2. Hot Tub Algae

If the hot tub cover is taken off or left off throughout the day, the filter cartridge gets unclean, sanitizing levels are continuously low, and algae can rapidly spread. You can confirm this if there is a slimy layer on the hot tub’s interior. It signals the presence of algae development.

Dead algae are probably to blame if the spa seems to be slick. Prevent hot tub algae if you just spent time in a lake or river by rinsing your swimwear because it can spread through bathing suits.

3. Too Much Minerals

outdoor hot tub with view

Your hot tub water is green because of too much metal. High metals like copper or iron can be found in urban or well water. Hot tub water looks green after being shocked because copper pipes react with oxidization to give it a green color.

How do you tell if there is too much metal in something? The hot tub water would be transparent with a greenish tint, as though food coloring was included in the water.

4. Too Low Sanitizer Levels

Keeping the right disinfectant level is always important, but spa maintenance may be neglected for weeks or months due to unforeseen circumstances.

The green spa water may be due to inadequate sanitizer levels or insufficient shocking frequency, regardless of whether you use bromine, chlorine, or another sanitizer.

How To Fix Green Hot Tub Water

While it may seem alarming, there are easy and effective ways to treat the issue. Make sure to refer to the solutions presented below.

1. Keep Water Chemistry Balanced

This is specifically helpful when dealing with a low pH as the main cause of the green hot tub water.

Here’s how you fix it:

  • Check the pH and total alkalinity of the water using a water test kit.
  • Adjust Total Alkalinity first. After adding the right chemicals, run the hot tub at high speed with the blower to oxygenate the water. If TA is low or too high, fix it first, as this will assist in regulating the pH.
  • Retest the spa water and make any required adjustments.
  • Test the spa water chemistry every week to maintain it.

2. Use Hot Tub Cleaner Designed To Eliminate Algae Growth

If you have confirmed that it is the presence of algae that is causing the green water, this is what you need to do to address the problem.

Here�s how you fix it:

  • Spa Algaecide can be added to spa water as a first treatment if the algae growth doesn’t seem too terrible. This may help to get rid of any visible algae development.
  • Add 1 to 2 fl oz for every 500 water gallons of hot tub water per week as a preventative measure. For clear usage instructions, refer to the bottle’s directions.

But if you notice a much terrible algae growth, you may need to address the issue more seriously. Follow these steps to help you out.

  • Activate the spa system flush and do a deep clean. The piping could be where the algae are lurking. Even after refilling and cleaning, algae might spread if a flushing product is not utilized.
  • Following the use of the system, clean the spa’s hot tub filters with a specific solution or another non-foaming cleaner. Use of household cleansers, vinegar, or bleach is prohibited. These items will change the chemistry of the water and may harm the spa shell.
  • Lastly, refill the hot tub with fresh water, test the alkalinity and pH levels and keep the hot tub clean.

3. Raise Low Sanitizer Levels

Another reason to blame for green hot tubs water is a low sanitizer level. When this happens, you should take these actions.

Here’s how you fix it:

  • Check the sanitizer content of the water.
  • To reach the required amount, adjust according to the sanitizer used.
  • After 24 hours, let the water flow, retest it and make any required adjustments.
  • You can use hot tub shock to the water once a week but take it cautiously as this can lower ph levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions to guide you in knowing why your hot tub is green and how to fix it. 

Is A Green Hot Tub Safe?

Using a hot tub with a green tint with bacteria growth is not advisable. Since it is a clear indication of poor hot tub health, doing so would risk hot tub users’ skin and eye irritation. Likewise, it is a more serious health concern in the long run.

Does Too Much Chlorine Make The Hot Tub Green?

The main component responsible for hot water turning green is chlorine. This is brought on by an excess of chloramines, high pH concentrations and a deficiency in alkalinity, or poor plumbing circulation in the hot tubs.

Is Hot Tub Water Supposed To Be Clear?

Your hot tub water should always be hygienic and clear. If it’s not, there must be an issue. Usually, either an imbalanced water level or bacterial development is the cause of water that is not clear.


staff cleaning hot tub

Green water means that you need hot tub maintenance and hot tub care. Don�t risk getting severe detrimental health effects and damage to your hot tub by letting it slide. Before attempting to fix it, make sure that you know the reason that�s causing the water to become green and start looking for solutions. Make sure to refer to the information presented above to help you get started.