Why Won’t My Hot Tub Jets Turn Off? 5 Reasons

Hot tub jets are arguably one of the most important features of the hot tub. Without it, you won’t be able to enjoy a warm bath experience. But this part can also be one of the most troublesome.

If you are a first hot tub user, sometimes you’ll find them not working, and sometimes, you’ll open your hot tub cover and find them always working and not turning off.

Regardless of what trouble the hot tub jets are causing you, there is no need to call the repairman and panic. 

This article will discuss the top reasons why your hot tubs won’t turn off. Make sure to stick until the end.

Is It Normal For Hot Tub Jets To Always Be On?

You might think that not turning off hot tub jets is normal. While it is a common scenario among many master spas hot tub, it is not normal at all.

hot tub with flowers

The tiny holes you can see somewhere inside the hot tub are the jets. Warm water is pushed out by the hot tub jets to increase the hot tub’s water flow. Your hot tub’s jets are strategically placed where you are meant to sit. This is no accident. Your jets are also designed to become massage jets, especially when you sit.

Your hot tub jets shouldn’t typically be turned on all the time. But, the circulating pump automatically turns on throughout filtration cycles, producing a result like the jets. Most hot tubs have two 2- to 8-hour filtration cycles per day.

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Hot Tub Jets Won’t Turn Off

So, you might ask, why won t my hot tub jets turn off? Is it something you need to worry about? Below, we will look at the top 7 reasons that might be causing your hot tub jets to run.

1. Filtration Cycle

The jets occasionally won’t stop circulating when the hot tub goes through one of its filtration cycles. On most hot tubs, turning off the jets throughout a filtration cycle is frequently impossible because the jets assist with the procedure.

Additionally, since the jets combine hot and cold water, which increases the water temperature, 220 Volt hot tubs normally don’t enable you to switch off the jets while the hot tub is warming up.

The only effective way to turn off your hot tub’s jets is to switch the filtration cycles. Some hot tubs contain a feature that allows you to control the filtration cycles, including setting their duration and frequency.

For instance, your hot tub might be preconfigured to run two 8-cycle filtration cycles each day in the control panel. The hot tub might also be reprogrammed to run two 2-hour filtering cycles each day. You can check the hot tub’s manual to know what buttons you have to press. However, this option is not true for the control panel of some older hot tubs.

2. Defective Hot Tub Pump

When your hot tub is not going through one of its normal filtration cycles and the water level is over the set point, a faulty pump may cause the jets to continue running.

The hot tub’s pump drives the jets and circulates water through the hot tub heater. The electrical parts attached to your hot tub pump essentially transmit instructions to the pump directing it to operate when the jets are necessary. 

Corrosion may develop around the electric cables of the pump in the hot tub if there is moisture present. Consequently, the pump receives electrical power but cannot regulate its operation.

Additionally, it can trigger the GFCI circuit to fail.

3. Blocked or Broken Spa Jets

Although it’s not often, spa jets can occasionally get clogged. When it does, a damaged piece of the part can get stuck in the jet and is obstructing some flow of the water.  This may occasionally become clogged by calcium or debris pieces that have passed the filter.

There are two typical techniques to repair blocked jets in your hot tub. Tuning your jets on and off repeatedly until they resume their intended function is the first, most straightforward technique. Simply switch the jets between low and high for 10 to 20 seconds each, then repeat the process until the jets return to their operational process.

4. Long-Term Effect Of Chlorine Or Bromine

Although less common, this can also be a potential culprit to many of your hot tub jet problems, including it not turning off as it should. 

 99% of hot tub jets are plug-in nozzles that stir the high-pressure that flows water through them to provide the user with a relaxing massage.

Therefore, whatever is put into your hot tub’s water impacts them as they sit in it day after day. Debris upon that hot tub jet body includes algae, shampoos, hair conditioner, cosmetics, and sanitizing agents.

The same chemicals including bromine and chlorine that keep the hot tub clean are also to blame for your jets’ deterioration.

Chlorine is the main factor in premature jet failure. It kills microorganisms, dissolves organic matter, and makes the plastic in the jet chambers brittle.  This can mess up the spa jet’s system causing it not to turn off.

5. Hot Tub Air Lock

You can have a hot tub airlock after changing the water or opening your hot tub for the season. This indicates that air has entered the plumbing system and impeded proper water flow.

A lock can be resolved by bleeding the system clean of air. At the bottom of the pump, locate some tiny bleed screws. Unscrew them all to allow the air out. In some systems, the pump could also have a screw on top of it.

Check to determine if the water flow has been restored to normal after letting the air out of the hot tub by turning it on.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions to guide you in knowing why your hot tub jets won’t turn off.

How Do I Turn Off My Hot Tub?

Unplug everything from the outlet or shut the power off through the circuit breaker to turn the energy off of the hot tub. However, several factors may affect if you should leave your hot tub running or when you need to turn it off. 

Does Hot Tub Jets Go Off Automatically?

Jets in hot tubs do automatically turn off. While certain low-speed jets shut off completely after two hours, the majority of high-speed jets do so within 15 minutes. Most of the time, activating low-speed jets requires pressing a button. However, they also begin operating automatically each time a filtration cycle takes place.

Almost all systems, including Balboa, Gecko, Smart Touch, etc., only allow the water jets to operate for a set period of time, typically 15 or 20 minutes, before turning themselves off.

Can You Manually Turn Off Hot Tub Jets?

Using the control panel, you can shut off the hot tub pumps and jets when the hot tub isn’t in use. This will result in energy savings. Although, it is not advised to shut off the circulation pump in a hot tub.

A Hot Tub Should Have How Many Jets?

The ideal number of jets needed for a hot tub varies greatly. The ideal number will depend on the hot tub’s size, the user’s tastes, and the number of simultaneous hot tub users.

When it regards the quantity of jets employed in a hot tub, it’s crucial to keep in mind that more isn’t always better. There is no predetermined number of jets that hot tubs should have, but they often have between 10 and 20.

How Can I Strengthen The Jets In My Spa?

A hot tub’s jets can produce a stronger stream with a few quick adjustments. Close the waterfall valve on the hot tub first. This can be accomplished by simply closing the waterfall valve, which will enhance the water flow from the jets.

The air jets in the hot tub should then be turned on. The water jets’ flow will gain momentum due to the additional air pressure.

Users can also directly close the surfaces of the jets when they are not in use to concentrate the water in a particular jet or jets.


empty clear hot tub interior

Your jets are among the most hardworking hot tub parts. It may cause you to worry when you find your hot tub jets continually working and not turning off. But sometimes, they aren’t really a cause of worry. When this happens, it is important to check for the reasons why so you can make specific solutions to address the problem. It could just be the normal filtration cycle of your hot tub, a defective pump, an airlock, or the effects of chlorine and bromine. Likewise, it can be that your jets are broken and need to be replaced.

We hope you learned something from this article. Make sure to follow our articles for more hot tub information.