What Is a Filter Cycle on a Hot Tub: Everything You Need to Know

Aside from proper routine maintenance, good hot tub ownership also requires knowledge of how the equipment work. Knowing how your hot tub works will make it easier for you to locate and fix any damages to your equipment.

Your hot tub’s filter cycle is very important as it ensures that your hot tub water is clean.

This system filters any contaminants from the water as it circulates through your hot tub. This, along with any other sanitizing substances you are using in your hot tub, sanitizes the water so you may have a relaxing bath that is safe as well as enjoyable.

You might wonder how this process works and what could disrupt its cycle, so in this article, we’ve covered everything you need to know about your hot tub’s filter cycle. Keep reading until the end.

What Is A Hot Tub Filter?

Let us start by knowing the core hot tub equipment needed for the process–the filter.

The filters are a silent yet effective component that contributes to your hot tub’s longevity and overall functionality. They are the most crucial barrier against contaminated spa water; they operate in the background, collecting particles as water passes through the filter media.

Every hot tub includes some filter because it frequently contains impurities like body oils, moisturizers, dirt, and other outdoor debris, even if the water appears clear.

There are other varieties of filters however, these four are the most frequently used in modern hot tubs.

  • Cartridge Filters. Cartridge filters are often made of paper, fabric, or plastic, making them the most preferred option for hot tub owners. These slip easily into the filter housing area of the spa and feature pleated material enclosed in a plastic cartridge.
  • Sand Filters. These are typically spherical, sand-filled containers that filter out undesirable materials. They frequently rest outside the hot tubs and need to be cleaned frequently.
  • Ceramic Filters. These filters, which resemble cartridge filters in design, are made of durable ceramic and often last longer than any other filter. Ceramic filters can survive over several years before needing to be replaced with routine maintenance.
  • Filters Using Diatomaceous Earth. Environmentally friendly diatomaceous earth hot tub filters function similarly to cartridge filters but employ fossilized diatoms rather than activated carbon.

Regular maintenance, cleaning, and filter replacement are necessary regardless of the type of filter you use.

What Are The Types Of Filter Systems?

Even though they are significantly different from one another, they both effectively do the same tasks. You have to figure out and choose which one would best work on your hot tub.

side hot tub panel

Pressure Type Filters

Although uncommon, pressure filters are still used in some spas and are sometimes discovered in older hot tubs. The skimmer is a standalone element in this system, and the filter cartridge is frequently smaller and placed in a sealed canister. 

These systems don’t need as much maintenance and can withstand more pressure. However, maintenance is frequently more challenging when you need to work on them.

Suction-Type Filters

The most common hot tub filter you will see today is the suction-type filter. For ease of access, these components are always installed on top. They are simpler to maintain and frequently larger than other filters. However, you must provide them with routine care to function properly.

What Is Filter Cycle?

The volume of water that goes through the filter in your hot tub is called a filtration cycle. Although every hot tub is unique, you might have some control over this, and this is typically a good way to measure the quality of your hot tub.  The filtration system will produce cleaner water the more you can pump through it.

repair guy checking hot tub pump

Even though the hot tub is not being used, hot tub pumps are programmed to run during filtration cycles, moving water and substances through the filtration system and pipes.

Bacteria thrive in stagnant water; because of this, it’s crucial to regularly circulate hot tub water to make hot tub clean before they have a chance to cause your water to be unhygienic.

During this process, two main hot tub types of equipment are involved, which are the following.

Hot Tub Circulation Pumps

A hot tub’s pump is distinct from its main pump and jets. The hot tub pump is a continuous secondary pump that moves smaller volumes of water through the filtering system. These continue to function even if your primary system is off. 

Although you can’t use the spa pump alone, they are an excellent way to keep the water clean because they stop your hot tub from having standing or stagnant water.

Hot Tub Control System

The control system is just as important as the spa pump and the filtration system’s primary components. The panel on your hot tub typically serves as the control for this system. You can access your hot tub’s many features and manage the filtration system from this panel.

Your capacity to manage the filtration system will differ depending on the kind of hot tub you own.

 In some circumstances, you may regulate the water flow and choose how much water your hot tub filters regularly. In other situations, you will have a choice of settings based on the number of people using your hot tub.

How Often Do Filtration Cycles Happen In A Hot Tub?

Filtration cycles happen at least twice a day. For instance, two hours twice a day is fine if you don’t use your hot tub frequently or with a small group of people. Increase the period to 4 or 6 hours if you frequently use strong substances. You also have to make sure that you clean the filter frequently.

The hot tub’s water passes through the filters during the filtration cycles. It spreads sanitizer throughout the water and assists in clearing out undesirable objects. 

However, despite the suggested number of hours or days you should run your spa, some factors will help you determine how frequently you should run your tub’s filter:

The Amount Of Debris Present

Your tub may require more frequent filtration cycles if the area where it is located accumulates dirt and debris. The same holds if consumers bring in garbage like swimsuit fibers. Cleaning solutions must get through the circulation pump when you use them more frequently. It halts the growth of bacteria in sweating and other fecal fluids produced by hot tub users to make the hot tub clean.

Pump Model Of Hot Tub

Some spas that consume little energy employ a circulation pump that must operate constantly. Even continuously running, such pumps use much less electricity than normal pumps. These less powerful pumps must run continuously to keep the spa clean.

Frequency Of Hot Tub Usage

There is no reason to run the filters four times daily if you only use the tub once weekly. That will put too much strain on the pumps, raising your utility expenses. 

However, it is imperative to run the filters more frequently if several users use them every day, with each cycle lasting a minimum of two hours. If you are going on vacation and leave the tub empty, you can reduce the filtration frequency even further.

Quality Of Water Used

You may afford to turn the filters on less than the default settings if you utilize pure water that is low in mineral and metal content.

Changes In Weather Conditions

The weather is another aspect that affects how long the filter runs. Winter requires longer and more frequent filter runs. It prevents the water in the tub’s pipes from freezing. During the coldest hours of the night, it is advised to run the filters longer. To prevent frozen water from harming the pump, filter, and pipelines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions to know more about the filter cycle on a hot tub.

Does A Hot Tub Pump Run While Heating?

If the hot tub temperature falls more than 2°F below the set temperature, the hot tub circulation pump or jet pump will start to operate, depending on your heating mode. The pump must operate to heat the water in the hot tub.

How Long Should You Set Filter Cycle Mode On Hot Tub?

Suction side filters need to run for at least 8 hours per day, but most need to run for 12 to 24 hours to filter the water in a hot tub adequately. Your energy prices rise as these systems are used for longer periods.

Is A Hot Tub Supposed To Run Constantly?

Yes, it is. Hot tubs function best when left on all the time, which is how they are intended to be used. Naturally, they must be routinely emptied, but most hot tub owners prefer to leave them on all the time.


open hot tub

The filtration system is the primary defense against dirt and other material contaminating your hot tub’s water. Because of this, maintaining it is crucial. Otherwise, you would be soaking in dirty and unsafe water,

Now that you are familiar with the fundamentals of the filtration system, you are better equipped to maintain it so that you never again have to worry about having unclean water.