Why Do You Get Drunk Faster in a Hot Tub? 4 Reasons

It sounds like a nice and soothing experience to soak in the hot tub with a cold beer or wine in your hand after a hectic day at work. However, the idea isn’t as sound as it seems. Getting too drunk inside the hot tub carries a lot of risks.

If you plan a hot tub party with your friends and family, you might want to know if you can mix alcohol and hot tubs.

The answer could be no. You can mix alcohol and hot tubs. If you want to know why this article will discuss why you can get drunk faster in a hot tub. Make sure to read until the end.

4 Reasons Why You Can Get Drunk Faster In A Hot Tub

Alcohol consumption in a hot tub hastens the process of getting drunker. This occurs for a variety of reasons. Some of these include the following:

hot tub with bottle of wine

1. Hot Tub Heat

A rise in the pressure in your blood brought on by the hot tub’s heat causes the blood vessels to open or dilate. Alcohol can reach the bloodstream considerably more quickly due to this impact, hastening the drunken process. 

Likewise, alcohol circulates through the body more quickly, giving the impression of being even drunker than one would be after taking the same quantity of alcohol normally outside the hot tub.

Because of the changes, your body is going through while you sit in the hot tub, this heightened intoxication occurs. The changes begin with the high temperature, which causes your body’s internal temperature to rise.

Your body’s blood vessels collectively dilate to release heat, which improves blood flow via the skin. But because you’re in the hot tub, your body cannot cool off. Your body temperature will continue to rise, and alcohol will remain in your bloodstream much longer.

2. Dehydration

Drinking alcohol dehydrates the body because alcohol is a known diuretic. Drinking in a hot tub intensify dehydration. The body becomes dehydrated due to the hot tub’s heat and its impact on the body and the alcohol that has been taken and circulated through the bloodstream. 

This dehydration causes the body’s ability to remove alcohol to function more slowly. Even if you seem like you have a horrible hangover, you will continue to consume alcohol. This can have harmful effects, including alcohol poisoning. That is why it is important to drink water occasionally.

3. Low Blood Pressure

You are sweating profusely inside the hot tub to release body heat when consuming alcohol. Open blood vessels function to cool down your warm skin simultaneously. This dilatation will drop your body’s blood pressure and make you lightheaded. This dizziness functions similarly to when you are drunk.

The little dizziness might turn into something quite dangerous when combined with the drunken sense of being disoriented and unstable. You can stumble and shatter bones, get a concussion, or have other severe injuries.

4. Relaxing Feeling In A Hot Tub

You did not think the warm relaxing feeling in the hot tub could make you drunk faster, right? 

Well, you are wrong. The more you feel relaxed and enjoy the warm water, the more likely you want to drink more. The atmosphere of relaxation will make you want to drink and celebrate. 

On the contrary, being in a heated environment might also make you irritable and more agitated, which can encourage you to consume more alcohol.

Either way, both situations will give you the illusion of wanting to drink more, thus making you drunk faster.

Signs Of Intoxication In A Hot Tub

If you are not wary of the signs and continue to soak in the hot tub while drinking, then there is a high chance for you to experience intoxication. Getting intoxicated can pose a serious risk to your safety so before it gets worst, know the early signs of intoxication in the hot tub.

closeup of hot tub with wine

Reddening Of The Eyes

Your eyes’ oxygen levels drop when you drink alcohol. The blood vessels tighten due to this, which would then lead to your eyes becoming red.

Throwing Up

When you’re drunk, your body makes every attempt to get rid of the things that make you sick. So, that explains why people typically vomit when they are extremely drunk. And it does so effectively. Therefore, there is a significant likelihood that the person throwing up in a hot tub is quite intoxicated and may also experience heat exhaustion.


Like vomiting, the body also uses this defense mechanism to protect itself from hazardous substances like alcohol. It is obvious that when you are intoxicated, your body consumes more alcohol than the liver can process. And one excellent approach to get rid of additional intoxicants is to sweat.

Flushed Face

Your face turns red due to vascular constriction, like when you have bloodshot eyes every time you drink alcohol. However, this may not be a reliable sign if you or your companions are sitting in a hot tub or jacuzzi because you are already red due to the increased blood circulation. Nevertheless, it is important to look out for this sign.

Speech And Coordination Issues

When you drink, alcohol inhibits motor and brain functioning; therefore, extremely intoxicated people would have problems speaking. Additionally, they will have a hard time standing or even walking.

Tips When Drinking In A Hot Tub

It is essential to be aware of the intoxication sign listed above and immediately leave the hot tub and sober up. Still, as a preventative measure, here are some tips you must remember when drinking in a hot tub.

  • Stay Hydrated. Drink water between drinking alcohol to avoid the harmful effects of dehydration.
  • Do Not Drink Alone. Never indulge in drinking alcohol by yourself in hot tubs. You become drunk before you even realize it. Friends who are close by can assist you in preventing drowning or fainting from heat exhaustion, so it is good to have someone to keep you by.
  • Keep An Eye On What You Feel.  Nobody understands your body better than you do. Remember that everything moves more quickly in hot tubs, so take note of your body temperature and behavior before you experience heat exhaustion.
  • Exit The Hot Tub Once In A While. Get outside to relieve yourself of the intense heat every 15 to 20 minutes. Doing this will allow your body to cool off and prevent heat exhaustion.
  • Only Use Disposable Cups. Glass mugs might give you a classy feeling when drinking alcohol. However, they can’t protect you from the risks of damaging broken glass in the hot tub. Nobody wants to have a deep cut from shards of broken glass. Use plastic cups wherever possible, and store glass bottles out of hot tubs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Hot Tubs Make Hangovers Worse?

Even while it might feel nice at the moment, a hot tub somehow doesn’t alleviate a hangover from drinking alcohol. Alcohol’s harmful component, ethanol, has a hangover-causing effect on the body, plus the hot water. Dehydration results from that, along with symptoms including nausea, vertigo, and a rapid heartbeat. All of those things will get worse in a hot tub.

Do Hot Tubs Help Sober You Up?

The effects of alcoholic drink will be stronger in a hot tub for various reasons. Due to the heat and elevated body temperature, your blood vessels may dilate or open more, allowing the alcohol to enter your system more quickly. When drinking alcohol, it will flow through the body faster, making you more drunk than usual in the hot tub,


friends relaxing in a hot tub

Imagining drinking in a hot tub with your friends sounds like so much fun, not until the heat, dehydration, low blood pressure, and the relaxing feeling in the hot tub will take a toll on your body, causing you to be drunk more. It is always good to avoid the risks rather than suffer the consequences. Learn from the information above and follow the tips to keep you safe in the hot tub!